1st may, 2020

Kickstarting my career with multiple internships at start-ups and Samsung

About the author: Hillary peter is a 3rd-year UNN student at university of nigeria, nsukka. He started interning at the end of his first year and shares how he. In my first year at college, I saw some of my friends participating in hackathons and winning prizes. I found this quite exciting and decided to participate in them too. Since I had some spare time due to the lockdown in March, I started learning Flutter and started participating in hackathons from May onwards. However, I did not win any of them which demotivated me for a while. I thought that hackathons were not my cup of tea and started looking for other ways to use my skills. With the summer break approaching, I decided to look for internships. Another motivation behind pursuing internships was that my family’s financial condition was not good during the lockdown, and I could not afford to ask my parents for my overhead expenses. So, getting paid while gaining industry experience was a major driving factor.

10th june, 2021

22 Essential Questions To Ask Before Choosing Your Intern Abroad Provider

When the lockdown was announced and everything was closed, I used my spare time to watch TV series just like most students, but soon I realised that it wasn’t the best use of my time. So I talked to my professors, and they suggested that I go for some internships. Since I was not good at technical skills, I started looking for internships in non-technical fields that I found interesting, and video editing was one of them. I loved creating videos in high school and took up this hobby again during the pandemic. I had also made a short documentary-like video about Covid and posted it on YouTube. I used this video as my work sample while applying for internships.